Marvel Champions the Galaxy's Most Wanted Expansion - image of product number: 1

Marvel Champions the Galaxy's Most Wanted Expansion

No. of players

1 - 2


45 min - 90 min




Product details


Mnogi zlikovci svoje kriminalne aktivnosti ograničavaju na Zemlju- ali izvan naše atmosfere postoji čitav niz čudnih civilizacija, moćnih artefakta i neverovatnih heroja. Našu galaksiju štite Čuvari galaksije, i kada Badoon napadne, samo oni ga mogu zaustaviti i otkriti prave motive njegovog napada...

Marvel Champions the Galaxy's Most Wanted ekspanzija dodaje preko 250 novih karata u Marvel Champions the Card Game. Spisku heroja pridružuju se Rocket Racoon i Groot. Bez obzira na to igraju li se sa novim herojima ili se oslanjaju na stare favorite, igrači mogu testirati svoje sposobnosti protvi četiri potpuno nova zlikvoca: Drang of the Bortherhood of Badoon, the Collector (predstavljen u dva odvojena scenarija), Nebula i Ronan the Accuser. Svaki od ovih pet scenarija nudi jedinstveni izazov koji se može igrati nezavisno ili kao deo veće kampanje.

Napomena: Marvel Champions the Galaxy's Most Wanted ekspanzija nije samostalna igra i zahteva Marvel Champion the Card Game da bi se igrala!

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An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

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An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

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