Catan Istraživači i Gusari (SR/HR/SLO)
2 - 4
75 min
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The next great Catan expansion has arrived! Expand your trading and adventurous horizons...
Catan: Explorers & Pirates (in Serbian) is an expansion for the board game Catan (Settlers of Catan in Serbian) that gives players the opportunity to become the dominant force on the island of Catan by building settlements, cities, and roads. Each turn, dice rolls determine which resources will be produced on the island. Players collect these resources—wood, wheat, brick, sheep, or stone—to expand their civilization, reach 10 victory points, and claim victory!
Catan: Explorers & Pirates differs from the base game in several ways. Instead of a single island, where players build and compete for resources, there are three islands—but only the terrain of the first island is known at the beginning of the game. Players start on this island, then build ships and bring settlers into play to explore new lands.
When a ship ends its movement on an undiscovered territory, that tile is revealed, and a random number token is placed on it, rewarding the player with one resource! (The number of undiscovered tiles varies from 16 to 32, depending on the scenario.) A settler and a ship can be converted into a port settlement, from which players can build roads and new ships, enabling further exploration!
Note: Catan: Explorers & Pirates (in Serbian) is not a standalone game and requires the Catan (Settlers of Catan in Serbian) board game to play!
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