Bang! (in Serbian) - image of product number: 1

Bang! (in Serbian)

No. of players

4 - 7


20 min - 40 min




Product details


The board game Bang! (in Serbian) takes players to the Wild West, placing them in one of the game's roles, hoping to navigate the chaos and survive!

You might be the Sheriff or the Deputy Sheriff, or perhaps you'll find yourself on the other side of the law as an Outlaw or even a Gunslinger. Regardless of your role, it's up to you to embrace it and strive toward your goal until your last breath.
The Sheriff must stay alive as everyone wants him gone. The Deputy tries to assist the Sheriff, while the Outlaws aim to eliminate him. Meanwhile, the Gunslinger’s role is to ensure all players are eliminated except for the Sheriff, leading to a final one-on-one showdown. However, roles are secret, except for the Sheriff’s identity. While everyone knows who the Sheriff is, the others remain hidden—at least verbally! When bullets start flying toward the Sheriff, the roles become clearer. That’s why timing is crucial. Fire too soon, and you’ll quickly find yourself targeted by several players—both those loyal to the Sheriff and those trying to mask their true intentions. Think carefully and keep your weapons ready before making a move. In the meantime, it's best to spread misinformation and muddy the waters.
In addition to their roles, each player will also receive a Wild West character they’ll portray during the game, with unique abilities or drawbacks to utilize. The rest boils down to shooting, uncovering allies and enemies, and "managing" relationships with them.
The board game Bang! features a unique shooting and gameplay mechanic. Its simple rules make it perfect for beginners! The game shines because of its high replayability, ensuring players will enjoy it for a long time before wanting a change.
Over the years, Bang! has spawned several variations:
Društvena igra Bang! The Bullet!, društvena igra Bang! The Duel!Bang! Dice Game. 

Board game Bang! (in Serbian) awards & honors:

  • 2017 Guldbrikken Best Parlor Game Nominee
  • 2007 Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee
  • 2007 Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee
  • 2005 Hra roku Nominee
  • 2004 Hra roku Nominee
  • 2003 Origins Awards Best Traditional Card Game Winner
  • 2003 Origins Awards Best Card Game Design Winner
  • 2002 Meeples Choice Award Nominee
  • 2002 Lucca Games Best Original Game
  • 2002 Japan Boardgame Prize Best Advanced Game Nominee


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