The Resistance Avalon (in Serbian)
5 - 10
30 min
Product details
The board game The Resistance Avalon (in Serbian) takes players to the time of King Arthur, where he and Merlin strive to maintain peace in Camelot. However, Morgana and her followers aim to take over the kingdom through deception and betrayal. Can you uncover who the spy is among you?
Players take on the roles of Arthur’s knights or Mordred’s spies. At the start of the game, the spies reveal themselves to each other. Among the players is Merlin, who knows the identities of the spies, but the spies do not know who Merlin is.
At the beginning of the game, one player is chosen as the leader and selects a certain number of players for the team going on a mission. During team selection, players must provide good arguments as to why they should be chosen for the mission and why they suspect other players. If the rest of the players agree, the team is sent on the mission, and the team members vote on whether the mission was successful or not.
The goal of the spies is to sabotage three missions to win. If Arthur’s knights successfully complete three missions, they are one step away from victory. The spies, however, have one last chance to win—they must identify who among the players is Merlin by the end of the game.
This mechanic prevents Merlin from influencing the game too strongly. If Merlin openly pushes to exclude certain players from missions, the spies will easily deduce his identity. This creates a balanced dynamic in the game.
Board game The Resistance Avalon (in Serbian) awards & honors:
- 2021 Bulgarian Board Game Awards Game of the Year Nominee
- 2018 Guldbrikken Best Parlor Game Nominee
- 2013 Guldbrikken Special Jury Prize Winner
- 2013 Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee
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