Dune Choam and Richese Expansion - image of product number: 1

Dune Choam and Richese Expansion


Product details


Društvena igra "Dune: Choam and Richese Expansion predstavlja drugo proširenje za klasičnu društvenu igru Dune: A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy, and Betrayal, koja je ponovo objavljena 2019. godine. Ovo proširenje donosi dve jedinstvene frakcije, CHOAM i Kuću Richese, kao i nove mehanike igre. Igrači mogu da upravljaju CHOAM-om, najvećom ekonomskom silom u Dune univerzumu, ili Kućom Richese, plemićkom porodicom koja i dalje poseduje naprednu tehnologiju. Ovo proširenje takođe uvodi nove veštine vođa, što pruža igračima prednost nad rivalima​.

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Grčića Milenka 1


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Bulevar despota Stefana 101


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Ušće Shopping Centar


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Delta City Shopping Centar


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Tošin bunar 188a


In stock

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