Guilty Houston 2015 - image of product number: 1

Guilty Houston 2015

No. of players

1 - 4


180 min - 240 min




Product details


Neko je preminuo u ženskom zatvoru okruga — i to nije bilo ko, već ćerka senatora Kowalskyja.
Sada krećete ka zatvoru, a konferencija za štampu je zakazana za sutra, na kojoj ćete morati da objasnite šta se dogodilo. Zato vam je potrebno da pronađete odgovore u narednih nekoliko sati.

Društvena igra Guilty je nova kolekcija detektivskih igara! U stilu najboljih kriminalističkih trilera, Guilty je igra koja vas uvlači u priču kroz jezivo realistične detalje. Imate samo jednu noć da sprovedete svoju istragu u okružnom zatvoru pre konferencije za štampu. Ispitujte svedoke, pratite tragove i verujte svojim instinktima!

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Ušće Shopping Centar


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Grčića Milenka 1


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Delta City Shopping Centar


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Tošin bunar 188a


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Bulevar despota Stefana 101


In stock

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