Oltree - image of product number: 1


No. of players

2 - 4


60 min - 120 min




Product details


Nekada davno carsto je bilo u nemilosrdnom ratu protiv kralja veštica, koji je bio vrhovni vladar svih čudovišta. U tom ratu carstvo je pobedilo ali po cenu svog jedisntva, a na kraju i svog postojanja. Na hrabrim herojima je sada da povrate snagu nekadašnje imperije i povrate moć i jedinstvo koji su nekada postojali…

Društvena igra Oltree Vas i vaše saborce stavlja u ulogu jednih od heroja koji pokušavaju da obnove kraljevstvo kakvo je nakada postojalo. Vaš zadatak je da ponovo izgradite tvrđavu kako bi osigurali sigurnost i mir stanovnika. Svaki igrač će dobiti svoje zadatke koje mora da reši kako bi uspeli u svojoj nameri, a kako igra bude odmicala opasnosti sa kojima se susrećete postajaće sve zahtevnije. Da li imate ono što je potrebno da obnovite kraljevstvo?

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Ušće Shopping Centar


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Grčića Milenka 1


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Delta City Shopping Centar


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Tošin bunar 188a


In stock

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Bulevar despota Stefana 101


In stock

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