DD5 Icons Adventure in a Box - Wererat Den
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Unapredite vaše Dungeons & Dragons iskustvo sa Avanturom u kutiji - Wererat Den!
Unutra ćete pronaći 6 oslikanih minijatura, 9 različitih dekoracija za jazbinu i dvodelnu, lako sklopivu, ploču za bitke.
x1 Wererat 1
x1 Wererat 2
x1 Wererat 3
x1 Wererat 4
x1 Trash Pile Small
x1 Trash Pile Large
x1 Rat's Nest
x1 Giant Rat
x1 Swarm of Rats
x1 Moldy Cheese Hoard
x1 Rotten Table
x1 Prisoner
x1 Cage
x1 Rotten Crate Stack
x1 Sludge Puddle
x1 Rat Covered Bone Pile
x1 6"x6" Double Sided Map
Grčića Milenka 1
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Bulevar despota Stefana 101
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Ušće Shopping Centar
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Delta City Shopping Centar
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Tošin bunar 188a
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