Yu-Gi-Oh! Raging Tempest Booster - image of product number: 1

Yu-Gi-Oh! Raging Tempest Booster


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Product details

Zima je na vratima i donela nam je novi Yugioh buster Raging Tempset, potpuno novih 100 karata nikad viđenih do sada. U ovom setu se prvi put pojavljuju tri nove teme karata i karte koje poboljšavaju mnoge predhodne špilove.
Evo šta još sve možete očekivati:
Skroz novi tim Zveri-Ratnika koji redefinišu XYZ specijalna pozivanja. Bilo koja 4 XYZ čudovišta ovog tipa mogu da koriste bilo koje jedno čudovište ovog tipa, pa makar i da nije XYZ čudovište! Svako čudovište koje se koristi za XYZ pozivanje dodaje napad, odbranu pa čak i specijalni efekat XYZ čudovištu koje pozivate. Ovo je odlična strategija za dueliste koji vole da pozivaju najveća i najjača čudovišta
Kraljevski-Duhovi prizivaju moćne vetrove uz pomoć kojih vraćaju karte u ruke protivnika ili u njihov špil. Ovi moćni duhovi su ritual čudovišta koja dobro rade sa kartama iz edicije Dragon of Legends Unleashed
Crystrons iz Invasion Vengeance edicije se vraćaju na još kednu rundu haosa i ovog puta prepravljaju pravila Synchro pozivanja! Normalno za Synchro pozivanje koristite 1 tuner i 1 ili više ne-tuner čudovišta, ali najnovija Crystrons čudovišta koriste tačno 1 ne-tunera ili bilo koji broj tuner čudovišta!
Subteror Behemoti nastavljaju svoj napad na Sakriveni Grad! Njihovi krici će im pomoći da kontrolišu stanovnike grada i potiskuju smetnje drugih kartica. Kako su njihovi napadi sve češći, da li će grad izdržati?
Nova Naređenja! Spyral je indetifikovao vođe međunarodnog sindikata koji su istraživali, i sada njihovi Spyral Super Agenti okupljaju tim koji će da ih uhvati. Ove nove karte daju nove osobine elitnim Spyral špijunima, uvode nove gedžete i daju ovlašćenja agentima da privedu čudovišta na ispitivanje
Mnogo novih kartica za mnoge popularne špilove od Drevnih Golema do Shaddolsa
Raging Tempest set sadrži 100 karata:

48 Commons
20 Rares
14 Super Rares
10 Ultra Rares
8 Secret Rares
Set number 
RATE-EN000 Fusion Recycling Plant Rare Field Spell Card
RATE-EN001 Dragoncaller Magician Super Rare Effect Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN002 Performapal Handstandaccoon Common Effect Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN003 Performapal Dag Daggerman Ultra Rare Effect Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN004 Performapal Laugh Maker Rare Effect Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN005 Speedroid Gum Prize Common Effect Tuner monster
RATE-EN006 Speedroid Horse Stilts Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN007 Windwitch - Ice Bell Ultra Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN008 Windwitch - Snow Bell Ultra Rare Effect Tuner monster
RATE-EN009 Fusion Parasite Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN010 Cyber Tutubon Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN011 Cipher Etranger Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN012 Flower Cardian Cherry Blossom with Curtain Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN013 Ancient Gear Hunting Hound Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN014 Zoodiac Ratpier Super Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN015 Zoodiac Bunnyblast Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN016 Zoodiac Whiptail Super Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN017 Zoodiac Thoroughblade Ultra Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN018 Zoodiac Ramram Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN019 True King Lithosagym, the Disaster Super Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN020 Crystron Rion Common Effect Tuner monster
RATE-EN021 Crystron Sulfefnir Super Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN022 Shinobird Crow Common Spirit monster
RATE-EN023 Shinobird Crane Common Spirit monster
RATE-EN024 Shinobird Pigeon Common Spirit monster
RATE-EN025 Envoy of Chaos Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN026 Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN027 Tierra, Source of Destruction Super Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN028 Miscellaneousaurus Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN029 Apprentice Piper Common Flip monster
RATE-EN030 Hebo, Lord of the River Common Spirit monster
RATE-EN031 Yokotuner Common Effect Tuner monster
RATE-EN032 Eater of Millions Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN033 Wightprincess Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN034 Metrognome Short Print Effect Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN035 Fairy Tail - Rella Short Print Effect Monster
RATE-EN036 Cyber Angel Natasha Super Rare Effect Ritual Monster
RATE-EN037 Shinobaroness Peacock Rare Spirit Ritual Monster
RATE-EN038 Shinobaron Peacock Rare Spirit Ritual Monster
RATE-EN039 Brave-Eyes Pendulum Dragon Secret Rare Effect Fusion Monster
RATE-EN040 Windwitch - Crystal Bell Rare Effect Fusion Monster
RATE-EN041 Chaos Ancient Gear Giant Super Rare Effect Fusion Monster
RATE-EN042 Ancient Gear Howitzer Common Effect Fusion Monster
RATE-EN043 Windwitch - Winter Bell Rare Effect Synchro Monster
RATE-EN044 Superheavy Samurai Stealth Ninja Rare Effect Synchro Monster
RATE-EN045 Flower Cardian Lightflare Rare Effect Synchro Monster
RATE-EN046 Crystron Quariongandrax Ultra Rare Effect Synchro Monster
RATE-EN047 Shiranui Sunsaga Rare Effect Synchro Monster
RATE-EN048 Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN049 Neo Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon Super Rare Effect Xyz Monster
RATE-EN050 Heavy Armored Train Ironwolf Super Rare Effect Xyz Monster
RATE-EN051 Zoodiac Broadbull Secret Rare Effect Xyz Monster
RATE-EN052 Zoodiac Tigermortar Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
RATE-EN053 Zoodiac Drident Secret Rare Effect Xyz Monster
RATE-EN054 Zoodiac Boarbow Rare Effect Xyz Monster
RATE-EN055 Machine Angel Absolute Ritual Common Ritual Spell Card
RATE-EN056 Rank-Up-Magic Cipher Ascension Common Quick-Play Spell Card
RATE-EN057 Recardination Common Normal Spell Card
RATE-EN058 Zodiac Sign Common Field Spell Card
RATE-EN059 Zoodiac Barrage Secret Rare Continuous Spell Card
RATE-EN060 Shinobird's Calling Common Ritual Spell Card
RATE-EN061 Shinobird Power Spot Common Continuous Spell Card
RATE-EN062 Super Soldier Synthesis Common Ritual Spell Card
RATE-EN063 Super Quantal Alphan Spike Common Normal Spell Card
RATE-EN064 Ritual Beast Return Common Quick-Play Spell Card
RATE-EN065 Foolish Burial Goods Secret Rare Normal Spell Card
RATE-EN066 That Grass Looks Greener Secret Rare Normal Spell Card
RATE-EN067 Terminal World NEXT Short Print Continuous Spell Card
RATE-EN068 Lost Wind Rare Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN069 Cipher Spectrum Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN070 Ancient Gear Reborn Rare Continuous Trap Card
RATE-EN071 Zoodiac Combo Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN072 Shinobird Salvation Common Continuous Trap Card
RATE-EN073 Beginning of Heaven and Earth Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN074 Shiranui Style Samsara Common Continuous Trap Card
RATE-EN075 Majespecter Gust Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN076 Void Feast Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN077 Purushaddoll Aeon Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN078 Full Force Virus Secret Rare Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN079 Switcheroroo Rare Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN080 Massivemorph Short Print Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN081 Sea Monster of Theseus Secret Rare Tuner Fusion Monster
RATE-EN082 Subterror Nemesis Defender Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN083 Subterror Behemoth Dragossuary Super Rare Flip monster
RATE-EN084 Subterror Behemoth Voltelluric Rare Flip monster
RATE-EN085 Subterror Cave Clash Super Rare Continuous Spell Card
RATE-EN086 SPYGAL Misty Ultra Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN087 SPYRAL Tough Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN088 SPYRAL GEAR - Utility Wire Super Rare Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN089 SPYRAL MISSION - Recapture Rare Continuous Trap Card
RATE-EN090 Symphonic Warrior Guitaar Common Effect Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN091 Symphonic Warrior Synthess Common Flip monster
RATE-EN092 Symph Amplifire Common Field Spell Card
RATE-EN093 Rocket Hand Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN094 Mekanikal Arkfiend Common Effect Monster
RATE-EN095 Lightsworn Judgment Common Normal Trap Card
RATE-EN096 Symphonic Warrior Miccs Common Effect Pendulum Monster
RATE-EN097 Delta The Magnet Warrior Super Rare Effect Monster
RATE-EN098 Windwitch - Glass Bell Ultra Rare Effect Tuner monster
RATE-EN099 Dark Contract with the Entities Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Card
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Ušće Shopping Centar


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Delta City Shopping Centar


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An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

Tošin bunar 188a


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