YGO: Legend of the Crystal Beasts Deck - image of product number: 1

YGO: Legend of the Crystal Beasts Deck


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Posle uspeha špila Cyber Strike, stiže nam nastavak popularnih arhetipa iz GX ere - Legend of the Crystal Beasts špil! 


Jesse Anderson je poznat po svojem Crystal Beast špilu i njihovoj glavnoj karti Rainbow Dragon. Sada i vi možete koristiti strategiju ovog špila koji postavlja vaše Crystal karte u spell/trap zone i omogućava da lakše prizovete ne samo Rainbow Dragon, već i njegove vraijacije i fuzije! Moćni Ultimate Crystal Rainbow Dragon Overdrive može imati neverovatnih 11000 ATK, ali i promešati sve karte sa table nazad u špilove i potom prizvati sve vaše banish-ovane Crystal Beast karte na tablu! Pored njega, nove spell i trap karte će omogućiti da lakše spremite strategiju i dođete do neophodnih karata. 
U ovom špilu takođe možete naći i popularne karte poput Ash Blossom & Joyous SpringGhost Belle & Haunted MansionThe Melody of Awakening Dragon, ali i druge korisne karte za sve špilove!
U prodaji od 30.09.2022.


Card number Name Category
SDCB-EN001 "Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN002 "Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN003 "Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN004 "Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN005 "Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN006 "Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN007 "Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN008 "Rainbow Dark Dragon" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN009 "Crystal Master" Effect Pendulum Monster
SDCB-EN010 "Crystal Keeper" Effect Pendulum Monster
SDCB-EN011 "Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN012 "Dimension Shifter" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN013 "Contact "C"" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN014 "Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring" Effect Tuner monster
SDCB-EN015 "Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion" Effect Tuner monster
SDCB-EN016 "Awakening of the Crystal Ultimates" Quick-Play Spell
SDCB-EN017 "Crystal Aegis" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN018 "Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins" Field Spell
SDCB-EN019 "Rainbow Bridge" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN020 "Crystal Beacon" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN021 "Crystal Blessing" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN022 "Crystal Abundance" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN023 "Crystal Promise" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN024 "Crystal Tree" Continuous Spell
SDCB-EN025 "Crystal Release" Equip Spell
SDCB-EN026 "Rare Value" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN027 "Rainbow Refraction" Quick-Play Spell
SDCB-EN028 "Advanced Dark" Field Spell
SDCB-EN029 "The Melody of Awakening Dragon" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN030 "Foolish Burial Goods" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN031 "Cosmic Cyclone" Quick-Play Spell
SDCB-EN032 "Crystal Boon" Normal Trap
SDCB-EN033 "Crystal Miracle" Counter Trap
SDCB-EN034 "Crystal Brilliance" Continuous Trap
SDCB-EN035 "Crystal Pair" Normal Trap
SDCB-EN036 "Crystal Conclave" Continuous Trap
SDCB-EN037 "Ultimate Crystal Magic" Normal Trap
SDCB-EN038 "Counter Gem" Normal Trap
SDCB-EN039 "Ferret Flames" Normal Trap
SDCB-EN040 "Metaverse" Normal Trap
SDCB-EN041 "Rainbow Dragon" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN042 "Ultimate Crystal Rainbow Dragon Overdrive" Effect Fusion Monster
SDCB-EN043 "Rainbow Overdragon" Effect Fusion Monster
SDCB-EN044 "Crystal Beast Rainbow Dragon" Effect Monster
SDCB-EN045 "Rainbow Bridge of the Heart" Continuous Spell
SDCB-EN046 "Crystal Bond" Normal Spell
SDCB-EN047 "Jesse Anderson - Bonder with the Crystal Beasts" Counter
SDCB-EN048 "Jesse and Ruby - Unleashing the Legend" Counter
SDCB-EN049 "Crystal Beast Token" Token
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