Duelist Saga - image of product number: 1

Duelist Saga


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Product details


Zakoračite u prošlost i u Duelost Saga busterima pronađite karte koje se pojavljuju kroz celu istoriju Yugioh serijala. Specijalni set od 100 karata, od kojih se 40 pajavljuju prvi put.

Tih 40 karata je miks karata iz manga stripova, anima crtaća i nove karte koje su napravljene po uzoru na najpoznatija čudovišta iz oba serijala.

Pošto nove karte dolaze iz različitih starih Yu-Gi-Oh! serijala, osmišljene su tako da se slažu sa kartama iz svih era i edicija. Takođe, pojačavaju Fuzije, Sinchro, XYZ i Pendulum čudovišta, te ove karte imaju veliku sinergiju sa kartama iz High-Speed Riders, Wing Raiders, Dragons of Legend -Unleashed-, Destiny Soldiers, Invasion Vengeance i Fusion Enforcers bustera.

Nove stvari koje možete očekivati:

  • Karte koje koriste Mai i Bakura iz prve sezone Yugioh crtaća, uključujući Diabound Kernel-a kojeg je koristio Bakura u duelu protiv Kaibe
  • Mogućnost da prizovete Svete Zveri iz Yu-Gi-Oh! GX serijala i čak da vučete po 2 dodatne karte po potezu ako uspete da ih prizovete!
  • Tajno Yuseiovo sinhro čudovište koje nije imao prilike da prizove za vreme crtaća, moćnog Cosmic Blazar Dragon-a
  • Zastrašujuć uticaj najvećeg zlikovca iz Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL edicije strašni Don Thousand
  • Zabavite se tokom duela igrajući Yuyinim specijalnim “Dueltainer” i karta Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V bustera
  • Sasvim nove čarolije napada, kao karta Dark Magic Attack koja prestavlja jedinstven napad poznatog Mračnog Čarobnjaka
  • I još mnogo toga...

Ostalih 60 prestavljaju istoriju Yugioh-a prestavljajuću legendarne i nezaboravne karte iz različitih serijala.

Svaka Duelist Saga kutija sadrži: 3 mini-pakovanja sa po 5 karata (svako pakovanje), ukupno 15 karata

Glavne karakteristike:

  • Duelist Saga je edicija od 100 karata
  • Sve karte iz Duelist Sage su Ultra Rare rariteta
  • Novi drugačiji do sada neviđeni način foilovanja karata Ultra Rare tehnologijom
  • Svaki buster sadrži 3 (od 40) novih karata i 2 (od 60) starih klasičnih karata
Card number 
DUSA-EN001 Double Fin Shark Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN002 Silent Angler Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN003 Depth Shark Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN004 Saber Shark Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN005 Guard Penguin Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN006 Number 94: Crystalzero Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN007 Full Armored Crystalzero Lancer Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN008 Full Armored Black Ray Lancer Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN009 Sea Lord's Amulet Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Card
DUSA-EN010 Diamond Dust Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN011 Chain Summon Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN012 Brohunder Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN013 Number 28: Titanic Moth Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN014 Number 70: Malevolent Sin Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN015 Necroid Synchro Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN016 Wandering King Wildwind Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN017 Synchro Call Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN018 Celestial Double Star Shaman Ultra Rare Effect Tuner Synchro Monster
DUSA-EN019 Legacy of a HERO Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN020 Gozuki Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN021 Vision HERO Vyon Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN022 Darklord Ukoback Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN023 Darklord Descent Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN024 Legacy of the Duelist Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Card
DUSA-EN025 Chaos Scepter Blast Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Card
DUSA-EN026 Diabound Kernel Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN027 Harpie's Feather Storm Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN028 Elemental HERO Honest Neos Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN029 Skydive Scorcher Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN030 Dark Summoning Beast Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN031 Fallen Paradise Ultra Rare Field Spell Card
DUSA-EN032 White Veil Ultra Rare Equip Spell Card
DUSA-EN033 Power Wall Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN034 Cosmic Blazar Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Synchro Monster
DUSA-EN035 Clear Effector Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN036 Cosmic Flare Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Card
DUSA-EN037 Converging Wishes Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN038 Clashing Souls Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Card
DUSA-EN039 Light Wing Shield Ultra Rare Quick-Play Spell Card
DUSA-EN040 Halfway to Forever Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN041 Contract with Don Thousand Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Card
DUSA-EN042 Dueltaining Ultra Rare Field Spell Card
DUSA-EN043 Blue-Eyes White Dragon Ultra Rare Normal Monster
DUSA-EN044 Magician of Faith Ultra Rare Flip monster
DUSA-EN045 Jinzo Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN046 Brain Control Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN047 Royal Decree Ultra Rare Continuous Trap Card
DUSA-EN048 Mirror Force Ultra Rare Normal Trap Card
DUSA-EN049 Imperial Order Ultra Rare Continuous Trap Card
DUSA-EN050 Necrovalley Ultra Rare Field Spell Card
DUSA-EN051 D.D. Warrior Lady Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN052 Tsukuyomi Ultra Rare Spirit monster
DUSA-EN053 Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN054 Dark Magician of Chaos Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN055 Monster Gate Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN056 Doomcaliber Knight Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN057 Cyber Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN058 Treeborn Frog Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN059 Dandylion Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN060 Dimensional Fissure Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Card
DUSA-EN061 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN062 Future Fusion Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Card
DUSA-EN063 Advanced Ritual Art Ultra Rare Ritual Spell Card
DUSA-EN064 Mezuki Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN065 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster
DUSA-EN066 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN067 Dark Armed Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN068 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN069 Honest Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN070 Judgment Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN071 Gladiator Beast Gyzarus Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster
DUSA-EN072 Rescue Cat Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN073 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Ultra Rare Effect Synchro Monster
DUSA-EN074 Junk Synchron Ultra Rare Effect Tuner monster
DUSA-EN075 Goyo Guardian Ultra Rare Effect Synchro Monster
DUSA-EN076 Plaguespreader Zombie Ultra Rare Effect Tuner monster
DUSA-EN077 Black Rose Dragon Ultra Rare Effect Synchro Monster
DUSA-EN078 Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind Ultra Rare Effect Tuner monster
DUSA-EN079 Deep Sea Diva Ultra Rare Effect Tuner monster
DUSA-EN080 Battle Fader Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN081 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier Ultra Rare Effect Synchro Monster
DUSA-EN082 Infernity Launcher Ultra Rare Continuous Spell Card
DUSA-EN083 Effect Veiler Ultra Rare Effect Tuner monster
DUSA-EN084 Pot of Duality Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN085 Solemn Warning Ultra Rare Counter Trap Card
DUSA-EN086 Formula Synchron Ultra Rare Effect Tuner Synchro Monster
DUSA-EN087 A Hero Lives Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN088 Evolzar Laggia Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN089 Constellar Ptolemy M7 Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN090 Evilswarm Ophion Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN091 Tour Guide From the Underworld Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN092 Soul Charge Ultra Rare Normal Spell Card
DUSA-EN093 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN094 Masked HERO Dark Law Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster
DUSA-EN095 M-X-Saber Invoker Ultra Rare Effect Xyz Monster
DUSA-EN096 Uria, Lord of Searing Flames Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN097 Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN098 Raviel, Lord of Phantasms Ultra Rare Effect Monster
DUSA-EN099 Armityle the Chaos Phantom Ultra Rare Effect Fusion Monster
DUSA-EN100 Dark Magician Ultra Rare Normal Monster
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