Yu Gi Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin Dueling Heroes - image of product number: 1

Yu Gi Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin Dueling Heroes


Product details


Yu Gi Oh! 25th Anniversary Dueling Heroes Tin za 2023 godinu je stigao! Povodom 25 godina postojanja Yu-Gi-Oh! igre, ovaj tin sadrži i promo karte heroja iz crtaća u specijalnom Quarter Century Secret Rare izdanju. Sakupite legendarne karte poput Dark Magician, Stardust Dragon, Elemental Hero Neos, i još mnoge druge u ovom kolekcionarskom stilu. Kao i svake godine, u booster-ima iz tina možete naći reprinte popularnih karata iz setova iz prethodne godine - Battle of Chaos, Dimension Force, Power of the Elements, Darkwing Blast, Tactical Masters, and The Grand Creators. Popularne arhetip karte za špilove poput Kashtira, Bystial, Labrynth, Dinomorphia, Therion i još dosta drugih se mogu naći u ovim booster-ima. 
Svako pakovanje sadrži:

1x Quarter Century Secret Rare promo kartu (1 od 16 mogućih)
3x Mega Pack boostera sa po 18 karata. 

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Delta City Shopping Centar


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An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

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