Captain Sonar Operations Dragon - image of product number: 1

Captain Sonar Operations Dragon

No. of players

2 - 8


30 min - 60 min




Sold Out

Product details


Uđite u najmoderniju podmornicu i udružite se! Svaka uloga je važna i konfrontacija je nemilosrdna. Budite organizovani i komunikativni! Zato što kapetan nije ništa bez posade: prvog člana posade, radio operatera i inženjera!

Captain Sonar Operation Dragon ekspanzija za društvenu igru Captain Sonar vodi Vas i ostale članove posade u novu misiju. U ovoj potrazi za rektim mineralima ronićete do neviđenih dubina gde zakoni fizike dostižu svoje granice. Ova kampanja daje igračima mogućnost da igraju sedam novih misija na novim nautičkim kartama, takođe možete odbrati nove likove sa jedinstvenim sposobnostima, ali budite oprezni jer rezultat svake misije utiče na sledeću!

Napomena: Captains Sonar Opertaion Dragon nije samostalna igra i zahteva Captain Sonar društvenu igru da bi se igrala!

An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

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An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

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An image with a location and a map in the background displays the exact location of the store, along with information about the address and the quantity of the selected product in stock.

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